HFX Conversations is HFX’s online publication. HFX Conversations is dedicated to bringing ideas and opinions from democratic leaders to the wider public and will publish essays and interviews when they need to be published.

Ottawa urged to intervene in Iraqi Kurds’ dispute with Baghdad
November 17, 2017

“The senior envoy for northern Iraq’s Kurds – who have spent years honing their military skills under the tutelage of Canadian special forces – is calling on the Trudeau government to intervene in a growing conflict between the ethnically distinct minority and Baghdad. Falah Mustafa Bakir visits Canada on Friday for the annual Halifax International Security Forum, where he plans to ask Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and other Canadian officials to help mediate tensions in northern Iraq over a referendum in which Kurds voted to separate.”

Globe and MailOttawa urged to intervene in Iraqi Kurds’ dispute with Baghdad
Steven Chase