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Halifax International Security Forum Releases 2017 Topical Agenda
October 30, 2017


October 30, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC–Halifax International Security Forum, North America’s leading foreign affairs and defense conference, announces the release of its topical agenda for this year’s Forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 17-19.

For the agenda, click here.

“The Halifax International Security Forum’s annual agenda is specifically designed to advance the cause of democracies and democrats around the world,” said Peter Van Praagh, President of Halifax International Security Forum.  “Every day the leaders who attend Halifax deal with the world as it is. But as a group we aim to secure our values.”

“Just 25 years after victory in the Cold War, our community of democracies finds itself today in the uncomfortable position of searching for our shared purpose,” said Van Praagh.

The panel that opens the 2017 Halifax International Security Forum on Friday, November 17, “Peace? Prosperity? Principle? Securing What Purpose?” probes the underlying question whose answer everyone at Halifax is searching for. Indeed, Halifax International Security Forum endeavors to play its unique role in defining our common goals.

“From the vital, and too often overlooked, role of women in preventing conflict and rebuilding post-conflict societies through the challenges posed by Russia and China to the dangers of nuclear conflict, Halifax aims to adopt prescient approaches to the many difficult challenges of international security, while grounding itself in core universal values,” Van Praagh added.

The Forum brings together people who are on the ground facing local threats, writers who challenge the world’s thinking on security, and global decision-makers who make the tough choices.  The Hon. Harjit Sajjan, Canada’s Minister of National Defence, will again host Halifax International Security Forum.

Halifax International Security Forum is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC. The Forum is made possible by generous support from its partners, including the Government of Canada and the Halifax Canada Club.



Plenary Sessions (On-the-Record)

Peace? Prosperity? Principle? Securing What Purpose?

Nukes: The Fire and the Fury

Weaponizing Capital: One Belt, One Road, One Way

Making Peace with Women

Rapprochement with Russia: Post-Putin Prep

Satellite Armies: The Race in Space

Rebuilding the Middle East: From Civil War to Civil Society

Climate Change: Houston, We Have a Solution


Large Group Sessions (Off-the-Record)

Real Conflict Solutions: The World After Vancouver

North Korea: Jaw Jaw or War War?

The Uninvited Voter: Rigged by Cyber

ISIS: Did We Win?

India – Pakistan China Relations

Living and Dying in Europe’s Russia’s Neighborhood


Small Group Sessions (Off-the-Record)

Afghanistan, Afghanistan

AI: Awesome Initiative or Apocalypse Impending?

Arab Spring, Hope Eternal

Cyber Rules Tomorrow

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Floods: Who You Gonna Call?

Four Famines: Food For Thought is Not Enough

From Belfast to Baghdad: The Evolution of Terrorism

GCC: Gulf of Cooperation?

The Geopolitics of Energy: What’s New Under the Sun?

Immigration: The Canadian Fix

Including Africa: Lessons to Learn

Intelligence: From Spying to Lying

Israel: A Century After Balfour

Japan’s Strategic Options

Make Latin America Great Again

Merkel and Macron: The Axis of Europe

The Press: Responsibility to Inform (honestly, completely)

Securing the Seas: Asia’s Troubled Waters

Soft, Smart, and Hard: Balancing Power

The Balkans Southeast Europe Today

(UN)civil Wars: Bringing Peace Home

Where is My Home? The Refugee Question

Who the People? The Future of Democracy

Who’s Afraid of Global Trade?


For media inquiries, please contact: communications@halifaxtheforum.org. Please direct other inquiries to: info@halifaxtheforum.org.