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Halifax International Security Forum Announces Dates of the 2020 Forum
January 16, 2020


WASHINGTON, DC – Halifax International Security Forum announced today that the 2020 Forum will take place November 20-22 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Now in its 12th year, the annual conference brings together democratic decision-makers, including a significant delegation from the United States Congress, with individuals on the ground facing consequential local threats, global industry leaders, and writers who challenge and influence the world’s thinking on security.

“The 2020 Forum will be the first major international gathering just after the US presidential election. With that in mind, it will provide a unique and timely opportunity to discuss continuity and change in US global leadership,” said Peter Van Praagh, President of Halifax International Security Forum.

“The Forum will also mark 75 years since the end of World War II. As we have seen over three-quarters of a century, and as we see today in nations such as Iran, Russia and China: freedom, democracy and security cannot be taken for granted—they are hard won.

“I am proud that Halifax has become the place where representatives of the free world, and those who aspire to be free, come together to build strategies to address the most pressing international security challenges,” Van Praagh added.

Hosted by Canada’s Minister of National Defence, the Forum features defense ministers and senior officials from the United States, Canada, and their counterparts from more than 70 countries.

Halifax International Security Forum is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization based in Washington, DC. The Forum is made possible by the generous support of its partners, including the Government of Canada and the Halifax Canada Club.

The 11th Halifax International Security Forum took place November 22-24, 2019. For a recap of the 2019 Forum, please click here.

Invitations to the 2020 Forum will be issued in the spring.


For more information about the Halifax International Security Forum, please contact our team at info@halifaxtheforum.org.